Animal Services
Dog and kennel licenses are required in Highlands East and dogs are not permitted to run at large without a leash.
Loose dogs
To report a dog running at large please call By-Law Enforcement at 613-339-2442.
Dog By-law
View the Municipal Dog By-Law for more information on rules and regulations for keeping dogs in Highlands East.
Exotic animals
Our Exotic Animal By-Law prohibits the keeping of exotic animals of various types ranging from species native to the area such as foxes and skunks to non-native, protected or endangered, dangerous and/or invasive species of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects. For a complete list and examples, please consult Schedule B of our Exotic Animal By-Law.
Rabies vaccines
All dogs and cats over the age of 3 months are required to be vaccinated for rabies. It is not a requirement to show proof when purchasing a licence.
Rabies Clinics are held annually. Please monitor our website for updated information on location, dates and times.
Municipal Dog Pound
The Municipal Dog Pound houses homeless, lost or abandoned dogs and provides a safe and caring environment until the dog is either reclaimed by its owner, placed in a new home or placed with another organization for adoption. It provides this service jointly to all Municipalities in North Hastings, plus Highlands East and South Algonquin.
Municipal Dog Pound Board meetings are held on the third Thursday in January, April, July and October. Meetings take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Faraday Municipal Office located at 29860A Highway 28. The Municipal Dog Pound website includes information on recently found dogs as well as the Municipal Dog Pound Board Complaints Handling Policy.