
The following is a comprehensive list of fees for Municipal Services in Highlands East.

Administration Fees

Administration Fees

$0.50 per page, black and white

$0.50 per page, colour

$0.25 per page for non-profits

Fax Transmissions

Receiving Fax: $1.00 per page

Highlands East Info Map

$5.00 each

County 911 Maps

$5.00 each

Commissioning of Documents

$10.00 (unless a requirement of a municipal document, such as a planning application)

Electric Vehicle Charging Station

$2.50 per hour

Administration Research

$25.00 per hour

Information Retrieval

$25.00 per hour

Freedom of Information Requests

$5.00 per application

Administrative Penalties

Administrative Penalties
Penalty TypeFee

Recreational Vehicle Licence By-law Violation


Short Term Rental Licence By-law Violation


Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law Violation


Fireworks By-law Violation


Animal Licensing Fees

Animal Licensing Fees
Licence TypeFee
Kennel Licence $100
Dog Licence, Neutered or Spayed $10
Dog Licence, Intact $20

Arena Fees

Keith Tallman Memorial Arena Rental Rates
Rental Type*Hourly Rate**
Winter Prime Time (Monday to Sunday after 5:00 p.m.)

$95 plus HST

Winter Non-Prime Time (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

$60 plus HST

Summer Prime Time (Monday to Sunday after 5:00 p.m.)

$40 plus HST

Summer Non-Prime Time (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) $25 plus HST
Birthday Parties (includes extra 30 minutes of free lobby time)

$60 plus HST

*All events require a minimum of two million dollars of liability insurance that can be purchased through the Municipality.

**Full Day Rate not available.


Building Fees

For more details on how to apply and what is required please see Building Permits.

Permit Fees
Non-refundable administration fee $150
Minimum building permit fee $150

Permit fees are calculated by the floor area of the proposed construction multiplied by the values as set out under Building Classifications below.

Floor area shall be the total area of all floor above grade measured to the outside face of the exterior walls.

Building Classifications
Building TypesFee

Buildings used for human habitation including dwellings, guest cabins, multi residential, second suites or additions to those buildings.

$0.80 per square foot
Renovations to existing dwellings. $0.45 per square foot
New foundation under an existing building or the interior finishing of a basement. $0.45 per square foot
Accessory buildings and/or additions to those buildings. $0.60 per square foot
Commercial, industrial and institutional buildings or additions to those buildings. $0.90 per square foot

Agricultural buildings and/or additions to those buildings.

$0.30 per square foot
Flat Rate Fees
Plumbing $200
Wood burning appliance (wood stove) $150
Decks, docks, verandahs, covered porches

$0.50 per square foot

Minimum $200

An administration fee may apply if the above are issued as standalone permits.

Other Permits
Demolition permit $150
Temporary tents over 60 square metres $100
Sea containers $100
Conditional permit $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Partial building permit $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Change of use $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Transfer of permit $100
Septic Permit Fees
Application for a Class 2, 3, 4 or 5 Septic System $875

Permit to replace the tank or bed only of a class 4 system.

Permit for the addition, renovation or change of use to an existing septic system. $450
Septic review or revision to permit. $250
On-site sewage compliance request. $250
Re-inspection of septic systems. $250
Additional Fees
Permit renewal $150
Revisions on plans $150
Additional inspections $150
Re-inspections over five years $150 per inspection
Re-inspection fee (not ready) $150
Fine for construction without a permit (in addition to the building permit fee) Double the permit fee
Order to Comply and/or Stop Work Order $200
Miscellaneous Fees
File search for copies of septic systems $100
Severance or Lot Addition Application Fees
Less than 10 acres (4.05 ha) $300
Greater than 10 acres (20.23 ha) $150
Subdivision Fees
1 to 10 lots $300
Each lot over 10 $150
Refunds of Permit Fees
Type*Refund Amount
Administrative functions only have been performed 80%
Administrative and plan examinations have been performed 45%
Permit issued but no field inspections have been made 35%
Permit issued and field inspections have been made No refund
Permit revoked in accordance with the Act, Building Code or By-law No refund

*The portion of the total calculated permit fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of the total fees payable under this Bylaw, calculated as outlined above in regard to functions undertaken by the municipality. No refunds less than $150 will be made.

Cemetery Fees


  • Sub-totals shown are subject to HST.
  • Resident and Non-Resident fees apply. Resident means an individual(s) that own property within the Municipality of Highlands East.
  • Weekday means from Monday to Friday.
Full Burial Rates for Sale of Interment Rights and Care & Maintenance
TypeInterment RightsCare & Maintenance*Sub-Total
Single Plot, Resident $570.00 $380.00 $950.00
Single Plot, Non-Resident $970.00 $646.67 $1,616.67
Social Service Interment**      $1300.00

* Care & Maintenance cost is the greater of 40% of the Sub-Total or $290.00 as per FBCSA.

** This fee is paid for by Ontario Works for qualified recipients and includes the cost of opening and closing the grave.

Columbarium Costs for Interment Rights and Care & Maintenance
Interment RightsCare & Maintenance*Sub-Total
$782.00 $165.00 $947.00

* Care & Maintenance cost is the greater of 15% of the Sub-Total or $165 as per FBCSA.

Scattering Costs for Interment Rights and Care & Maintenance (South Wilberforce Cemetery Only)
TypeInterment RightsCare & Maintenance*Sub-Total
Single Scattering $150.00 $115.00 $265.00
Multiple Scattering $255.00 $45.00 $300.00
No Rights Holders $30.00 $0.00 $30.00

* Care & Maintenance cost is the greater of 40% of the Sub-Total or $115 for single and 15% of the Sub-Total or $30 for multiple as per FBCSA.

Weekday Interment and Disinterment Opening and Closing Costs
Type of BurialSub-Total
Casket, Resident $500.00
Casket, Non-Resident $600.00
Cremation, Resident $200.00
Cremation, Non-Resident $250.00
Scattering, Single $100.00
Scattering, Multiple $200.00
Scattering, No Rights Holder* $25.00
Casket Disinterment $750.00
In Ground Cremation Disinterment $375.00
Columbarium Cremation Disinterment $300.00

* This cost is for Weekday and Saturday as per FBCSA.

Monument Administration and Care & Maintenance Fees
ItemAdmin FeeCare & Maintenance*Sub-Total
Flat (less than 173 square inches) $100.00 None $100.00
Flat (more than 173 square inches) $150.00 $100.00 $250.00
Upright (less than 4 feet in any dimension, including the base) $150.00 $200.00 $350.00
Upright (more than 4 feet in any dimension, including the base) $200.00 $400.00 $600.00

* Care & Maintenance cost as per FBCSA. Monument Directors need to deposit, with the Municipality of Highlands East, the required contribution to the Care and Maintenance Fund for Markers before to installing the marker or monument.

Other Service Fees for Monuments, Niches and Scattering
Foundation Installation $300.00
Marker/Monument Staking $75.00
Corner Stones (Four six inch by six inch granite corner stones. Includes engraving of one line of lettering, maximum nine letters, on each corner stone plus installation.) $180.00
Corner Stone Installation (for stones purchased by third party) $40.00
Weekend & Holiday Charges, Winter Burials and Other Fees
Saturday Interment (Casket, Cremation, Niche) $200.00
Sunday or Holiday Interment (Casket, Cremation, Niche) $400.00
Saturday Interment (Scattering) $100.00
Sunday or Holiday Interment (Scattering) $200.00
Weekday Winter Interment** $1125.00
Saturday Winter Interment** $1225.00
Sunday or Holiday Winter Interment** $1375.00
Initial Columbarium Engraving $290.00
Final Columbarium Engraving (Deceased Date) $240.00

* Interment prices are per medical certificate.

** Additional contractor fees may apply.


Community Centre Fees

Community Centres and Rental Rates
Facility*Full Day Rate**Half Day Rate**
Cardiff Community Centre (Capacity: 133)

$120 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Highland Grove Community Centre (Capacity: 50)

$100 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre, Main Hall (Capacity: 225)
Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre, Lounge (Capacity: 50)

$160 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre, Main Hall (Capacity: 200)
Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre, Banquet Hall (Capacity: 75)

$140 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Repetitive use pricing of $25 per hour plus HST, where the same facility is booked/used three (3) or more times per year, is available for all Community Centres.

*All events require a minimum of two (2) million dollars of liability insurance that can be purchased through the Municipality.

**Non-profit Community Groups, Fund Raising and Educational Sessions held at no charge with complete application and approved fee waiver.

Financial and Tax Department Fees

Financial and Tax Department Fees
Tax Certificate $75.00
NSF Cheques $50.00
Overdue Tax Bills 1.25% per month (will incur monthly penalty)
Overdue Invoices 1.25% per month
Tax Billing History Report $15.00
Tax Statement of Account (Owner) $10.00
Tax Bill Reprint/Duplicate Billing Notice $10.00

Transfer Tax Balance Credit/or Tax Overpayment Refunds

Tax Sale Admin Fee $500.00
Tax Registration (File sent for processing.) $100.00
Registration of Tax Arrears Certificate $250.00
First Notice of Tax Arrears Certificate $50.00
Final Notice of Tax Registration $50.00
Cancellation of Certificate $100.00
Preparation of Extension Agreement By-Law $200.00
Tax Sale $250.00
Tax Sale Tender Package $25.00

Fire Service Fees

Fire Service Fees
Fire Incident Report/File Search $100 payable upon receipt of the report.
Fire Inspections $75 payable before inspection.
Burning Permit* $150 payable upon approval.
Responses to Motor Vehicle Accidents Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.
(Includes Motor Vehicle Fires, Motorized Snow Vehicles and All-Terrain Vehicles on any road or trail.)
Outdoor Burning Violation Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call and/or appropriate fine from the Open Air Burning By-law applicable at time of call.
Fire Investigation
(Cost Recovery)
Municipal and third party contractor fees involved with investigation.
False Alarms Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call for each alarm after the second alarm in a twelve month period. See False Alarm Responses below for more information.
File Searches $100 for Inspection Reports, Fire Code Compliance Letters and Response Reports provided to property owners or insurance companies upon request.
Property File Searches $100 for searches of property files for information such as previous fire code violations, outstanding work orders and retrofit requirement compliance.
LLBO Liquor License Letter $100 for agency letter for liquor license application.
LLBO Special Occasion Permit Letter

$100 for agency letter for special occasion permit application. Additional charges apply if property inspection is required.

Level 1 (Basic) Propane Storage Risk Safety Management Plan Review $100
Level 2 (Complex) Propane Storage Risk Safety Management Plan Review $85 (This fee applies where we are requested to review and/or approve a level 1 or 2 Risk Safety Management Plan as part of an application to the TSSA for a license to store propane.)

* Daytime Burning Permits are issued by the Fire Chief for qualified applicants, for an approved date and time, for burns that exceed non-permit regulations. No permits are issued during Fire Bans. For more details on burning rules please see Burning Permits and By-Law.

All Fire Department Fees are subject to applicable taxes.

Device Fees
Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm $30
Smoke Alarm $10

All Fire Department Fees are subject to applicable taxes.

Fire Safety Inspection Fees*
Day Care Centres $175
Private Home Day Care Centres $100
Licensed Marijuana Grow Operation $85 per hour
Care Occupancy (Nursing Homes, Rest Homes and Old Age Homes)  $85 per hour**
Care Occupancy (Special Care Homes) $85 per hour**
Repeat Owner Requested Inspections (Short Term Rentals, Bed & Breakfasts, Cottage Rentals, Country Inns, Vacation Apartments) $85 per hour

Follow-up Fire Safety Inspection to verify compliance with an inspection order issued as a result of a fire code violation.

$85 per hour

Fire Safety Plan Review for subsequent reviews of plans that were not approved during the initial review.

$50 per review

* Upon request for Accreditation or Licensing.
** Applies to Inspections and Monitored Fire Drills.

All Fire Department Fees are subject to applicable taxes.

Fire Department Incident Response Fees
Preventable False Alarm Response 1

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.

False Alarm Due to Failure to Notify 2 Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.
Standby Charges 3 Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.
Vehicle Accidents and Fires on Provincial Highways 4

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.

Vehicle Accidents and Fires on All Other Roads or Property 5

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.

Propane Incident Responses 6

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.

Open Air Fire Responses7

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call.

Hazardous Materials Spills

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call plus cost of consumables. 8

Illicit Drug Labs and/or Marijuana Grow Operations

Ministry of Transportation Rates applicable at time of call plus cost of consumables. 8

Additional Fire Department Expenses 9 Actual costs.
Fire Watch $40.00 per hour per firefighter. Minimum of two firefighters.
Securing of Premises/Scene until release to owner, insurance company, Fire Marshal or police. $40.00 per hour per firefighter. Minimum of two firefighters.

1 Preventable False Alarm Response Fee is chargeable to the owner of the property at which the alarm was activated, as defined in Section 1 of the Ontario Fire Code, O Reg 388/97 as amended, for every third and subsequent occurrence in a 12 month period, where fire department vehicles are dispatched, and it is determined by the fire department that the alarm was due to an improperly functioning alarm system. This shall not apply where the conditions were not within the control of the owner, including but not limited to, changes in atmospheric conditions, excessive vibrations, power failure, malicious actions of other of fluctuations of water pressure.

2 False Alarm Due to Failure to Notify Fee is chargeable to the owner of the property at which the alarm was activated, as defined in Section 1 of the Ontario Fire Code, O Reg 388/97 as amended, for each occurrence where fire department vehicles are dispatched to an activated fire alarm where it is determined by the fire department that the alarm was caused by either a test or repairs to the alarm system where the owner failed to notify their alarm system and/or the fire department.

3 Standby Charges apply when fire department vehicles and crews are requested to provide standby. The standby requests may include, but are not limited to, special events, businesses, or events that require rescue teams to be present.

4 Vehicle Accidents and Fires on Provincial Highways is a fee is chargeable to the Ministry of Transportation for all vehicle-accident, safety or fire related fire department services that occur on provincial highways.

5 Vehicle Accidents and Fires on All Other Roads or Property Fee is charged directly to the at fault owner/driver when the incident takes place on a Municipal or County road.

6 Propane Incident Response Fee is chargeable where the fire department determines that a propane incident has been caused directly by a person or company, who has failed to take reasonable precautions including getting a locate and following proper guidelines regarding digging around locates.

7 Open Air Fire Response Fees will be charged for each staffed fire department vehicle in attendance at an unauthorized open air fire or an open air fire that is being conducted in contravention of the guidelines for an open air burn.

8 Consumable Material Costs will be recovered in addition to the hourly cost of fire department response for any response involving the containment or clean-up of a hazardous materials spill or for any response involving illicit drugs or marijuana grow operations. Costs will be billed to the owner or person in control of the pollutant(s).

9 Additional Fire Department Expenses are charged to the owner of a property to recovery actual costs where we are required to retain a private contractor or rent special equipment in order to preserve property or evidence or eliminate an emergency or risk. Examples include, but are not limited to, renting heavy machinery such as excavators, contracting security services to protect property or contracting the clean-up of hazardous materials or dangerous goods. Additional expenses that may be required to bring a fire under control that may be recovered as part of this by-law include the use of fire fighting foam, dry chemical extinguishing devices and any equipment or PPE damaged during operations.

All Fire Department Fees are subject to applicable taxes.

Landfill and Recycling Fees

Cash will no longer be accepted for landfill tipping fees. Your information will be collected and an invoice will be mailed to you.

Landfill and Recycling Fees
Household Garbage (Less than one cubic-yard.) No Charge
Bulk Garbage, Sorted (Over one cubic-yard.) $50 per cubic-yard
Bulk Garbage, Unsorted (Over one cubic-yard.) $80 per cubic-yard
Recyclable Material No Charge
Scrap Metal or Appliance without CFC (Freon) No Charge
Tires (Any type. On or off rim. Maximum four per visit.) No Charge
CFC (Freon) Appliance tagged by certified Freon Removal Tech.  No Charge
Untagged CFC (Freon) Appliance $50 each
Furniture $20 each
Hot Tub, Large $80
Hot Tub, Soft $40
Hot Tub, Cover $30
Mattresses or Box Springs $30 each
Commercial Waste, Sorted* $80 per cubic-yard
Commercial Waste, Unsorted** $160 per cubic-yard
Contaminated Soil (Soil must meet all regulatory guidelines for acceptance at landfills.) $100 per cubic-yard
Brush (Four inches in diameter or less.) $20 per cubic-yard
Propane Tank, Empty (Accepted at Mumford Road and Highway 28 landfills only.) No Charge
Oil Tank, Empty (Must be dry and cut in half.) No Charge
Hazardous Waste Material*** such as Batteries, Paint and Oil Not Accepted
Electronic Waste such as TVs, Monitors and Computers No Charge
Boat, Fibreglass with Motor and Gas Tank removed $10 per foot
Boat, Metal with Motor and Gas Tank removed No Charge
Paddle Boat, Canoe, Kayak or Paddleboard $40 each
Boat with Motor and Gas Tank Not Accepted
Shingles, Non-hazardous $50 per cubic-yard
Shrink Wrap (bundled or unbundled) Not Accepted

Extra or Replacement Landfill Access Passes

$10 per card; $50 per card after the first two
Cottage Kit Purchase $10 per kit or five kits for $40
Composter Purchase $40 each
Digester Purchase $80 each

All Landfill and Recycling Fees subject to applicable taxes.

* Waste delivered on Pick-ups, Trailers, Bins or Dump Trucks
** Waste delivered on Pick-ups, Trailers, Bins, Dump Trucks or Compactor Trucks
*** These items can be dropped off during scheduled Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days held throughout the year.

Marriage Licensing Fees

Marriage Licensing Fees
Licence TypeFee
Marriage Licence

$125 plus HST

Other Licensing Fees

Lottery Licensing Fees
Licence TypeFee
Lottery Licence

3% of the value of the total prize to be awarded or 3% of total prize money to be awarded.

Business Licensing Fees
Licence TypeFee
Business Licence


Recreational Vehicle Licensing Fees
Licence TypeFee
Recreational Vehicle Licence


Short Term Rental Licensing Fees*
Licence TypeFee
Annual Short Term Rental Licence Fee** $500
Inspection Fee, per occurrence $150
Non-compliance Re-inspection Fee*** $150

* Fees associated with STR related encroachment agreements for shoreline structures and docking are listed under Planning Fees.

** The Short Term Rental Licence Fee acts as an application fee and covers the cost of the licence if approved. Where an application is withdrawn prior to the licence being issued or when an application is denied, applicants may request a 50% refund of the Licence fee. Licence applications withdrawn or denied after a staff site inspection has been completed are not eligible for refunds.

*** The Non-compliance Re-inspection Fee is charged at the inspector's discretion in situations where a re-inspection is scheduled to address non-compliance and upon inspection, the inspector finds that the non-compliance has not been rectified to the satisfaction of the Municipality.

Planning Fees

Planning Fees: Consultations
Pre-consultation Prior to Application Submission 1 $450
Planning Fees: Zoning By-Law Amendments
Major Zoning By-Law Amendment Application 2 $3450
Minor Zoning By-Law Amendment Application 3 $1200
Temporary Use By-Law Application $1200
Request to Lift Holding (H) Provision $750
Planning Fees: Official Plan Amendments
Major Local Official Plan Amendment 4 $5000
Minor Local Official Plan Amendment 5 $2000
Simultaneous Local Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment Official Plan Amendment Fee plus 50% of Zoning By-Law Amendment Fee
Planning Fees: Site Plan Control Applications
Major Commercial (over 600 square metres) $2000 plus $1.50 per square metre
Minor Commercial (under 600 square metres) $1500 plus $1.50 per square metre
Standard Residential (1-2 units) $1200
Major Amendment 50% of current application fee
Minor Amendment $500
Minor Amendment to Site Plan (no amendment to agreement) $500
Request to Waive Site Plan Control $500

Staff Review and Comments for Revised Plans (after first set of revisions)

Recirculation of Revised Plans to External Agencies for Comment $300 
Planning Fees: Minor Variance Applications
Standard Minor Variance Application $1200
Planning Fees: Plans of Subdivision / Condominium / Consent
Municipal Review of Plan of Subdivision / Condominium Application $2000
Pre-consultation Comments for a Consent Application $650
Deeming By-Law $500
Consent Administration Fee $350
Deeming By-Law to Accompany Road Allowance Closure and Purchase $200
Planning Fees: Agreements
Subdivision Agreement $750
Severance Agreement $750
Encroachment Agreement or License of Occupation $750
Responsibility Agreement $750
Legal Agreement (any type; administered by staff) $750
Renewal of Legal Agreement (at end of term of agreement) $500

Streamlined Encroachment Agreement for Docks (Short Term Rentals)

Renewal of Encroachment Agreement for Docks (Short Term Rentals) $300
Amend Agreement $500
Request to Remove Agreement from Title $250
Planning Fees: Miscellaneous
Zoning and Building Compliance Letter


Rushed Zoning and Building Compliance Letter $230 (5 business days, subject to staff availability)
Municipal Comments for Third Party Application $100
Compliance with Legal Agreement Letter $180
Zoning By-Law and Official Plan Print Copies Costs Only
Telecommunications Tower Review $1000
Amendment to Application Requiring Re-circulation $300
Amendment to Application Not Requiring Re-circulation $100
Additional Staff Site Inspection $100
Additional Public Meeting or Open House $300
Review and Reactivation of Application Deferred at Request of Applicant 50% of the application fee if more than six (6) months have passed since deferral
Request to Council Requiring Staff Report Not Outlined Above 6 $100
Planning Fees: Closure and Purchase of Shore Road Allowance
Non-Refundable Municipal Administration Fee $800

Cost for first 150 feet of frontage determined by plan of survey*

Cost for additional frontage

$20 per linear foot (as
determined by plan of

Legal, professional and survey fees

At applicants' expense

* To be submitted with Municipal Administration Fee as a deposit.

Planning Fees: Deposits
Deposit TypeFee
Peer Review Deposit 7 $5000
Professional Services Deposit 7 $2500
Legal Fees Deposit 7 $750
Ontario Land Tribunal Deposit 8 $5000


1 Pre-consultation: Applications for Zoning By-Law amendment, official plan amendment, site plan control, plan of subdivision or plan of condominium require the submission of a pre-consultation review to the municipality in advance of application submission. Pre-consultation is not required, but is strongly encouraged, for minor variance applications.

2 Major Zoning By-Law Amendment: A "Major" Zoning By-Law amendment is a Zoning By-Law amendment that (one or more may apply):

  • Requires a major amendment to the Municipality's Official Plan and/or an amendment to the County of Haliburton's Official Plan;
  • Requires extensive studies and/or consultation and collaboration with external agencies; 
  • Constitutes a change of use to permit new Commercial, Industrial, Extractive or Institutional uses;
  • Constitutes a substantial increase in density (ie, accompanying an application for Plan of Condominium or Subdivision, conversion to medium or high density residential use from low density residential use.).
  • Constitutes a substantial a increase in the development envelope or density for existing Commercial, Industrial, Extractive or Institutional uses.

3 Minor Zoning By-Law Amendment: A "Minor" Zoning Bylaw amendment is a Zoning By-Law amendment that:

  • Applies to a single parcel or land for low density residential use, including the construction of an additional dwelling unit;
  • Permits additional ancillary or accessory uses or structures that are compatible with the existing Zone designation and Official Plan policies;
  • Permits minor increases in floor area, height, parking areas, etc., for existing Commercial, Industrial or Institutional uses;
  • Clarifies existing zone boundaries through a professional evaluation (ie, a qualified professional providing revised environmental protection boundaries, hazard land boundaries, etc.).

4 Major Official Plan Amendment: A "Major" Official Plan amendment s an Official Plan amendment that (one or more may apply):

  • Proposes a re-designation or change in land use for property(ies);
  • Requires many changes to the policies and schedules of the Official Plan;
  • Is more significant in scale and scope than a minor Official Plan amendment, and which may have greater impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands. Applications relating to more than one property would normally be this category;
  • A site-specific application representing a large scale development/redevelopment or a change in use. An application involving significant changes to the text or policies of the Official Plan would also fall in this category; and,
  • An application that also requires an amendment to the County of Haliburton Official Plan.

5 Minor Official Plan Amendment: A "Minor" Official Plan amendment is an Official Plan amendment that:

  • Proposes a small-scale exception to a specific Official Plan standard (e.g., minor changes to the number of permitted units; or to add a site-specific use limited In scale);
  • Proposes a minor change to a specific policy that is limited in scope and typically to one property;
  • Maintains the intent and purpose of the Official Plan; and,
  • Shall have limited impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands.

6 Requests to Council Requiring a Staff Report: Occasionally, land owners may request that the Municipality assist with planning processes or real property matters, such as permission to cross a one foot reserve, or that the Municipality take widening to a road to facilitate a lot merger. Where these requests require a planning staff report to provide context or advice alongside the proposal, a nominal fee may be charged to cover costs.

This fee does not apply to matters whereby Council has directed staff to bring a report for their consideration.

7 Deposits: The Municipality may require the payment of deposits upon submission of any application.

Deposits may be applied to cover peer review fees, professional fees should the Municipality require the expertise or advice of a third party consultant (engineer, planner, surveyor, etc.), as well as any legal costs incurred. Deposits may also be applied to any registration fees, disbursements, reproduction costs, postage, advertising, telephone charges, facsimile charges, and any other reasonable costs which may be incurred by the Municipality.

Should fees exceed the initial deposit received, the Municipality shall request further deposits or payments of invoices. Additional funds may be requested from time to time, to fully cover the municipal expenses. Work will not be completed by the Municipality, its solicitor or consultants until such deposit has been paid by the applicant.

The Municipality will keep an accurate record of all costs incurred with respect to planning applications. Upon completion of the processing of an application, the Municipality will reconcile the account for the applications where a deposit has been paid. A refund of the deposit will be made with the exception of those costs incurred by the Municipality, as determined by the Treasurer. If the cost to process an application exceeds the deposit, the applicant will be responsible for the additional costs and will pay such costs upon invoice by the Municipality.

8 Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal Deposit: If Council supports an application and its decision on the application is appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by someone other than the applicant, the applicant will be responsible for all Municipal costs to defend the decision. These costs may include all planning fees, legal fees, engineering fees, fees of other professionals, disbursements, reproduction costs, telephone charges, facsimile charges, peer review fees and any other reasonable costs which may be incurred by the Municipality.

The applicant will submit a deposit to the Municipality, upon submission of the file to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), and will enter into an agreement with the Municipality to fully cover Municipal expenses with regard to the appeal.

Additional funds may be requested to fully cover the Municipal expenses. Work will not be completed by the Municipality, its solicitor or consultants until such deposit has been paid by the applicant.

Roads Fees

Roads Fees
Entrance Permit $225.00 plus $500.00 security deposit to be returned upon completion, conditional on final inspection.
Entrance Re-inspection $100
Over-dimensional Load Permit (Annual) $300
Over-dimensional Load Permit (Single-move) $50

Property Damage*

Cost recovery for property damage based on labour, material, equipment, contracted services, plus applicable taxes on all items and a 10% admin fee.

Road Closure/ Conveyance

Cost recovery of all professional fees and expenses.

All Roads Fees subject to applicable taxes.

*Repair/replacement of municipal property damaged by an individual. Recovery will be sought either from the individual directly, their company, employer, or insurance carrier.

Swimming Fees

Cardiff Pool Memberships
Membership Type*Fee

$50 per person

$150 per family (maximum of five)


$60 per person

$190 per family (maximum of five)


$40 per person

Non-member rate

$5 per person per day

*Members are provided with a badge to present at the pool as proof of membership.

**Must qualify for Old Age Security benefits and be a resident of Highlands East.

Swimming Instruction Fees for Cardiff Pool
Registration TypeFee

$50 per person for two week session.


$70 per person for two week session.

Swimming Instruction Fees for Public Beaches
Registration TypeFee
Residents and Non-residents

$50 per person for two week session.